WP1. Project Management

Activity 1.1 Financial guidelines
The partners will appoint a committee in charge of budget control; partners will schedule verifications to carry out throughout the 23 months of the project.
Activity 1.2 Monitoring and evaluation plan
Establishing a schedule as to monitor the implementation of the project, and appointing of a scientific board in charge of quality check.
Activity 1.3 Planning future meetings
Scheduling of partner meetings for the entire duration of the project: where, when and who will participate.
Activity 1.4 Selection of targets
Identification of VET providers and teachers, and others to involve in multiplier events, learning activity and future conferences
Activity 1.5 Partner agreements
UDJG, as Lead Partner, will present a draft of the partner agreement to be signed by each partner.
WP2. Communication and Dissemination

Activity 2.1 Communication plan
Designation of a communication and dissemination board, that will handle the communication between partners.
Activity 2.2 General dissemination activities
Dissemination activities will consist in a produced materials presentation conference at the end of each IO production period, use of social networks to publicize the platform and the executed work, publication of news on academic papers, press release, etc.
Activity 2.3 Uploading of IO1 and IO3 on the website and on the online platform
After the production of IO2, that include the development of an online platform, PRISM will upload IO1 and IO3 produced materials.
Activity 2.4 Post-Production and publishing of the videos (IO3)
The video tutorials produced in IO3 will be published under a common creative license.
Activity 2.5 Evaluation of the practical utility of the developed material
The consortium will promote expert interviews or focus groups to obtain an evaluation of the practical utility of the developed materials.
Activity 2.6 Presentation of the research results in the scientific community
The consortium will promote the dissemination of the research results in the scientific community, e.g. in a demo panel of a scientific conference.
WP3. GAMEST's research on existing gamification in VET entrepreneurial education

Activity 3.1 – Definition of the questionnaire
The consortium will produce a template of the questionnaire to be distributed to the identified entrepreneurial VET providers.
Activity 3.2 – Identification of VET providers to be involved and submission of the questionnaire
Each partner will select at least three entrepreneurial VET providers to which to submit the questionnaire.
Activity 3.3 – Collection of data from each partner, comparison and analysis of results
Each partner will collect the data from the submitted interviews and produce a document containing an analysis of the aforementioned data.
Activity 3.4 – Production of the final document
USC will collect all the documents from the other partners and will produce a final document that will serve as state of the art for gamification applied to entrepreneurial VET teaching.
WP4. GAMEST's online course on gamiification for VET teachers

Activity 4.1 – Development of the online platform and uploading of IO1
Production of the Online Platform that will host the online course and all the materials produced in the other IOs
Activity 4.2 – Definition of course Syllabus
The consortium will define a syllabus of the course.
Activity 4.3 – Creation of didactic material
The consortium will produce all the materials needed for the course in regard to the commonly agreed syllabus.
Activity 4.4 – Uploading of the online course
PRISM Consulting will upload the course in the dedicated section of the online platform.
WP5. GAMEST's video-tutorials on how to gamify entrepreneurial VET courses

Activity 5.1 – Identification of Video-tutorials’ topics
The consortium will agree on the gamification methodologies that will be tackled in the video tutorials.
Activity 5.2 – Making of video-tutorials
The consortium will produce one general video on gamification plus one video per identified gamification methodology.
Activity 5.3 – Uploading of the video-tutorials on the online platform
PRISM Consulting will upload the videos in the dedicated part of the online platform.